The Spiritual Quartet consisting of four female poets - Lois P. Jones, Susan Rogers, Taoli-Ambika Talwar, and Maja Trochimczyk - will be featured at the next Village Poets Reading, scheduled for March 27, at 4:30 p.m., at the Bolton Hall Museum in Tujunga. Each poet comes from a different spiritual background, while sharing the focus on compassion, beauty, enlightenment, and a creative expression of positive energy. They weave their poems around themes of light, love, forgiveness, hope, and friendship. They contemplate nature, mountains, birds and gardens, and draw inspiration from the poetry of Rumi, Rilke, and their own spiritual traditions.

LOIS P. JONES’s poetry and photographs have been or will soon be published in
American Poetry Journal, Raven Chronicles, Qarrtsiluni, Rose & Thorn, Tiferet, Kyoto Journal, and other print and on-line journals in the U.S. and abroad. She is co-founder of Word Walker Press and a documentarist of Argentina’s wine industry. You can hear her as host on 90.7 KPFK’s Poet’s Cafe (Pacifica Radio) on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month at 8:30 p.m. and see her as co-host of Moonday’s monthly poetry reading in La Canada, California. She is the Associate Poetry Editor of
Kyoto Journal and a 2009 and 2010 Pushcart Nominee. In August 2010 her poem “Ouija” was selected as Poem of the Year by judge Dana Goodyear.
"Show what the light gave her
washing warmth into a neck
until it’s dune, a cliffside
that holds a head of surf.
Paint as you would before you awaken,
when sunlight falls like milkweed
and you are an empty silo
letting her grain fill you–
buttery malt and biscuit
for the love of honey." (From "Ways to Paint a Woman" by Lois P. Jones)

SUSAN ROGERS considers poetry a vehicle for light and a tool for the exchange of positive energy. She is a practitioner of Sukyo Mahikari— a spiritual practice that promotes positive thoughts, words and action. She is also a photographer and a licensed attorney. Her poems were part of the 2010 Valentine Peace Project and have been performed at museums and galleries in Southern California. Her work can be found in the book
Chopin and Cherries, numerous journals, anthologies and chapbooks Her work can be heard online or in person as part of the audio tour for the Pacific Asia Museum in Pasadena, California. She was recently interviewed by Lois P. Jones for KPFK’s Poets CafĂ©.
"The dove knows the way
follow her.
Your heart knows the way
listen well.
Within your deepest self
are wings of light.
They cover the earth
with waves of love.
Do you remember?
You once knew.
Stand in the warmth
of sunlight and recall.
The origin of the world
is one."From
The Origin is One, a poem dedicated to Kotama Okada and inspired by a painting by Susan Dobay.

Long-time educator, published author, artist, TAOLI-AMBIKA TALWAR has been involved in holistic arts/sciences for many years. Her mission is to be a reflective, gentle and creative change agent. Her film, “Androgyne” won the best script award at a festival in Belgium. She has published two books, C
reative Resonance: Poetry¬Elegant Play, Elegant Change (2006) and
4 Stars & 25 Roses (2007) and has two chapbooks from Laguna Press,
Words for Hungry Tongues (2000)
Songs of the Body.
Kyoto Journal published her poem titled, “What the Trees Say” for their biodiversity issue. Taoli-Ambika has also been published in the anthology,
Chopin with Cherries, Inkwater Ink, vol. 3 and other collections. Her photographs and paintings have appeared in
Tiferet Journal. She teaches English at Cypress College, Cypress. “Because poetry is the bridge to new worlds.”
Where Flowers Wander
cells love it
when we smile
even if worlds break
nothing matters
but the great empty
from which all comes
chalice is passages
for the flow
of the fountain
always traveler
longs for the great empty
flowers grow there© 2011 Taoli-Ambika Talwar

MAJA TROCHIMCZYK, the Sixth Poet Laureate of Sunland-Tujunga, is also a music historian and non-profit director born in Poland, educated in Poland and Canada and residing in Sunland. As an author of four scholarly books and hundreds of articles, she is well established in the music history world, with two main specializations: Polish music of the 19th and 20th centuries, and 20th-century contemporary music. She founded Moonrise Press and published three books of poetry:
Rose Always, Miriam's Iris and the
Chopin with Cherries anthology. Her poetry and photography appears in such journals as the
Epiphany Magazine, Loch Raven Review, The Huston Literary Review, Ekphrasis Journal, Phantom Seed, PoeticDiversity and many anthologies by Poets on Site and others. See:
you too will find the way into the orchard
where green fruit ripens among late blossoms
I found the path, I'm waiting there already
the birds chirp and frolic among the branches
they fly - cheerful in the orange sun
you too -
the path is not too narrow
the gate too distant
will find -
the most amazing jewel
of deep peace
the way -
will open soon
you will see
into the orchard
of love's riches
you will come(c) 2008 by Maja Trochimczyk
In the photos 1) Maja and Lois, 2) Maja and Susan, 3) Maja and Taoli-Ambika, 4) Taoli-Ambika, Susan, Lois and Maja.
Apple blossoms photo (c) by Maja Trochimczyk.
Poetry fragments (C) by the poets, used by permission.
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