23 February (4th Sunday) Sarah Maclay & Cindy Rinne
23 March (4th Sunday) Tresha Faye Haefner & Thomas A. Thomas
27 April (4th Sunday) Sean McGrath & Elsa Frausto
25 May (4th Sunday) Carine Topal & Rick Lupert
22 June (4th Sunday) Mary Fitzpatrick & Ella Czaijkowska
20 July (3rd Sunday) Maja Trochimczyk & Hilda Weiss
24 August (4th Sunday) Susan Auerbach & Peter Ludwin
28 Sept (4th Sunday) Kathleen Travers & Friends
The calendar of readings of Village Poets in 2024:
28 April (4th Sunday) Mandy Kahn & William Archila
19 May (3rd Sunday) "Passing of the Laurels" at McGroarty Arts Center
23 June (4th Sunday) Daniel McGinn & Scott Ferry
28 July (4th Sunday) RG Cantalupo & Kathleen Travers
25 August (4th Sunday) Carol V. Davis & Rick Smith
22 September (4th Sunday) Judy Kronenfeld & Lee Rossi
27 October (4th Sunday) Lory Bedikian & Mary Torregrossa
(Dark in Nov/Dec due to holidays)
The calendar of readings of Village Poets in 2023
- 29 January - Sharmagne Leland St. John & William Scott Galasso
- 26 March - Toti O'Brien & Linda Dove
- 30 April - Alice Pero & Brendan Constantine
- 25 June - Lois P. Jones & William O'Daly
- 27 August - Beverly M. Collins & A. Jay Adler
- 24 September - Marlene Hitt
- 22 October - Ambika Talwar & Susan Suntree
- No dates Nov/Dec due to holidays
- January 23, 2022 - Diane Lee Moomey and California Quarterly 47:4 edited by Scott Galasso. YouTube Video from the Zoom reading: https://youtu.be/Vt29jwGkNMs
- February 27, 2022 - Dean Blehert of Reston, Virginia. YouTube video from Zoom reading: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
- March 28, 2022 - Celebrating Women's Month with Poet Hedy Habra of Michigan
- April 9, 2022 - Passing of the Laurels Ceremony for Alice Pero, Sunland Tujunga Poet Laureate in 2020-2024. Dayton Sculpture Garden, Shadow Hills, 1-4 pm. In-person event.
- April 24, 2022 - Featured Poet Raphael Block of northern California
- May 22, 2022 - Featured Poet RG Cantalupo and his new book, Remembrances
- June 26, 2022 - Charlene Mason Gallego, poet and artist, and new book by Maja Trochimczyk, "Bright Skies," http://villagepoets.blogspot.com/2022/06/poets-in-garden-charlene-mason-gallego.html
- July 4, 2022 - no reading, poem postcards given away at the Independence Day Parade, with Alice Pero, Poet Laureate
- August 28, 2022 - Sharon M. Williams, on Zoom.
- October 2, 2022 - TBD.
- November 13, 2022 - Katerina Canyon, in person reading at Bolton Hall Museum, Tujunga.
- January 24, 2021 - Maura Harvey on Zoom.
- February 28, 2021 - Kathabela Wilson presents her book "Figures of Strange Beauty" with Rick Wilson, flutes, on Zoom
- Recording on YouTube: https://youtu.be/-ZkO-daV168
- March 21, 2021 - Cindy Rinne and Toti O'Brien, "Today in the Forest" on Zoom
- Recording on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sZM8GSJJgU
- March 28, 2021 - Terry Ehret on Zoom
- Recording on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fj_cuLa9Oo8
- April 18, 2021 - James Coats on Zoom
- YouTube Video of the reading: https://youtu.be/5Y92SBU5MVQ
- May 23, 2021 - Nancy Covers Dougherty on Zoom
- Recording on YouTube: https://youtu.be/G4wxZ0DJ4u
- June 27, 2021 - Round Robin in a Circle, Village Poets without a featured poet
- July 25, 2021 - New Bilingual (English-French) Book by Elizabeth Yahn Williams, with translator Edith Jonsson-Devillers and Poets from the California Quarterly 47:1 edited by Bory Thach
- YouTube Video from the reading: https://youtu.be/raVsjZqb62c
- August 22, 2021 - "Blue and the Blues" anthology edited by Carole Boyce and the California Quarterly 47:2 edited by Maja Trochimczyk
- September 25, 2021 - David Chorlton on Zoom and at Bolton Hall
- October 24, 2021 - Frank Iosue and his Arcane Reveries multimedia presentation.
- YouTube Video from the reading: https://youtu.be/802wvaIw7ys
- November 26, 2021 - Katerina Canyon and her new book "Surviving Home"
- YouTube Video from the reading: https://youtu.be/E0oN1CvHNGY
- January 26 - Joyce Futa and Jackie Chou at Bolton Hall Museum
- February 23 - Rick Smith, poet and musician, at Bolton Hall Museum
- March 22 - Alexis Rhone Fancher and Wayne Allen LeVine, postponed to Sept. 27 due to state of emergency, ban on large gatherings, and closure of city-own facilities .
- April 26 - "Passing of the Laurels" to the next Poet Laureate, Alice Pero (No. 10) at McGroarty Arts Center, by Pamela Shea - this event was cancelled due to the governor's state of emergency, ban on meetings and closure of city-own facilities. It will be held in-person at a later date TBD
- May 24 - Cindy Rinne and Bory Thach present their new book, rescheduled due to the state of emergency and ban on meetings - postponed to November 22
- June 28 - Beverly M. Collins and Ed Rosenthal's new book of memoirs, Salvation Canyon - reading held on Zoom, with many technical difficulties, repeated on July 19
- July 19 - Beverly M. Collins, Ed Rosenthal and Mariko Kitakubo from Japan, on Zoom
- August 23 - R.D. Armstrong and Dr. Thelma T. Reyna with her new book, on Zoom
- September 27 - Alexis Rhone Fancher and Regina Higgins, rescheduled on Zoom
- October 11 - Flintridge Bookstore Presents We Are Here: Village Poets Anthology, Zoom
- October 25 - We Are Here: Village Poets Anthology on Zoom
- November 22 - Cindy Rinne and Bory Thach, rescheduled from May 24, on Zoom
- December 4 - Poetry Program for Ed Novy's Organization, presented by Joe DeCenzo, Ambika Talwar, Pamela Shea and Maja Trochimczyk
- December 5 – Toti O'Brien Presents "An Alphabet of Birds" on Zoom
- January 27 - Gabriel Meyer and Elena Karina Byrne
- February 24 - Toti O'Brien
- March 24 - Mandy Kahn and Peggy Dobreer
- April 28 - Mary Fitzpatrick
- May 26 - Sandy Fisher, artist and Pamela Shea, poet - Ekphrastic Poetry
- June 23 - Melissa Studdard
- July 28 - Lloyd and Marlene Hitt, Village Poets Co-Founders, and Presentation of Lifetime Achievement Award by Village Poets
- August 25 - Yun Wang and Alice Pero
- September 22 - Judith Terzi and Linda Dove
- October 27 - Suzanne Lummis, Reading and Presentation of Honorary Membership by California State Poetry Society
- November 24 - Cile Borman, Songwriter and Poet with Andrew Kolo, Painter and Poet
- January 28th - Susan Dobay, her Art, and her Poets (book event, group reading)
- February 25th - Deborah P Kolodji and William Scott Galasso with Haiku Anthology
- March 25th - Four Poets from "The Lullaby of Teeth" (Moontide Press)
- April 22nd - Andrew Peterson and Art Stucco with John Palmer (musicians)
- May 27th - Seven Dhar, and an art presentation by Abby Diamond
- June 24th - Christine Jordan (poet and actress)
- July 4th - Independence Day Parade with Pam Shea, Poet Laureate
- July 22nd - Mira Mataric and Charles Harmon
- August 26th - Kathabela Wilson and the Art of Tanka
- September 23rd - Margaret Saine and Eliecer Almaguer
- October 28th - Radomir Luza and Gloria Casey
- November 25th - Krak Poetry Group Celebrates 100th Years of Poland's Regained Independence, with Maja Trochimczyk - "Grateful Conversations" Anthology , and Mark Achuff, classical guitar
- December (No Event)
- January 22 – Lisa Cheby, poet, with Susan Dobay, artist (Dobay did not attend)
- February 26 – Margaret Saine with Eva Zmijewska, guitar, new book Lit Angels
- March 26 – Elsa Frausto Poet Laureate of S-T, Farewell Reading with Alice Pero
- April 23 – Passing of the Laurels Ceremony to Pamela Shea at the McGroarty Arts Center, see the Announcement and the Report
- May 28 – Michael C. Ford and John Brantingham
- June 25 – Judith Terzi and fiber artist Monique Chmielewski Lehman
- July 4 - Independence Day Parade with Marlene and Lloyd Hitt and Blog with Photos
- July 22 – Dorothy Skiles and Marlene Hitt, at the Montrose Library (Saturday at 3 p.m. in a different venue than regular meetings)
- August 27 – Lois P. Jones and Pamela Shea, the Ninth Poet Laureate of Sunland-Tujunga
- September 24 – Cece Peri and Ambika Talwar
- October 22 – Mary Torregrossa and Sharon Alexander reading from her new book
- November 26 – The Sequoia Reading by John Brantingham and Friends, poetry created on-site at the Sequoia National Park
- December (No Event)
- January 24, 2016 - Seven Dhar and Teresa Mei Chuc
- February 28, 2016 - Eddy M. Gana Jr. and Stephanie Sajor
- March 20 - Georgia Jones-Davis reads from "Night School"
- April 24 - Lois P. Jones and Alice Pero
- May 22 - Marsha de La O and Jerry Garcia
- June 26 - Judy Barrat
- July 24 - Bill Cushing, poetry, and Chuck Corbisiero, guitar - A Jazz Collaboration, with a Visit by Mariko Kitakubo
- August 28 - Elline Lipkin, Altadena Poet Laureate, Music by Heather Donavon and Steve McCormick
- September 25 - Douglas Kearney and Mandy Kahn
- October 23 - Shahe Mankerian with Shandy & Eva Duo
- November 27 - Deborah P Kolodji and Naia ("Thanks for Haiku")
- December – No Event. Enjoy your holidays!
In 2015, Village Poets met at the Bolton Hall Museum on the following dates:
- January 25, 2015 - Teresa Mei Chuc and Ross Canton
- February 22, 2015 - Maja Trochimczyk's "Slicing the Bread"
- March 22, 2015 - Brendan Constantine
- April 26, 2015 - Los Angeles Poet Society, hosted by Jessica Wilson, with Juan Cardenas, Ideas Aubry, Victor Sotomayor, and others
- May 24, 2015 - Brenda Petrakos and Marlene Hitt's new book "Clocks and Water Drops"
- June 28, 2015 - Sharon Alexander (Palm Springs)
- July 26, 2015 - Thelma T. Reyna, current Poet Laureate of Altadena and Beverly M. Collins with her new book "Mud in Magic"
- August 23, 2015 - Westside Women Writers (Millicent Borges Accardi, Lois P. Jones, Susan Rogers, Maja Trochimczyk, and Sonya Sabanac) at the McGroarty Arts Center.
- September 27, 2015 - J. Verl Silvester and James Levin
- October 25, 2015 - Luis J. Rodriguez, Los Angeles Poet Laureate
- November 22 (4th of 5 Sundays) - Jeannette Clough and Jack Cooper
- December 2015 - No Readings. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
- January 26, 2014 – Maria Elena B. Mahler and Stephen Linsteadt - “Woman in Metaphor” Anthology of Poetry Inspired by Stephen’s Art
- February 23, 2014 - Dorothy Skiles
- March 23, 2014 - Kathabela Wilson and Mariko Kitakubo (Japan)
- April 27, 2014 - “Passing of the Laurels” Ceremony at McGroarty Arts Center
- May 25, 2014 - Pete Justus and Sharon Hawley
- June 22, 2014 - Julia Stein
- July 27, 2014 - Elsa S. Frausto, Sunland-Tujunga Poet Laureate 2014
- August 24, 2014 - Jack Cooper
- September 28 , 2014- Peggy Dobreer and 100 Thousand Poets for Change
- October 26, 2014 - Linda Dove, former Poet Laureate of Altadena, CA
- November 23, 2014 - Mary Kay Rummel, Poet Laureate of Ventura County, CA
- December - No events
In 2013, Village Poets met on the following Sundays at 4:30 p.m., at Bolton Hall Museum, except for two Saturdays, as noted. The readings presented the following Featured Poets:
- January 27, 2013 - Elsa S Frausto
- February 24, 2013 - Mariano Zaro
- March 24, 2013 - Xochitl-Julisa Bermejo
- April 27, 2013 - Neil McCarthy (Saturday at McGroarty Arts Center in Tujunga)
- May 26, 2013 - Judith Terzi
- June 23, 2013 - Alex M. Frankel
- July 28, 2013 - Mina Kirby & Beverly M. Collins
- August 24, 2013 - Jason Brain & Jessica Wilson, at the McGroarty Arts Center in Tujunga, and on Saturday not a Sunday
- September 22, 2013 - Peggy Dobreer (this feature was rescheduled to a later date)
- October 27, 2013 - Apryl Skies and Sean Hill
- November 24, 2013 - Ed Rosenthal’s “The Desert Hat” and Susan Dobay’s Visual Impressions of Music
- No events in December
Bolton Hall Museum, Photo by Maja Trochimczyk
Group at Mariano Zaro's Reading in 2012 |
- November 25, 2012 - Lois P. Jones
- October 28, 2012 - Stephen Lindsteadt
- September 23, 2012 - Sharmagne Leland St. John
- August 26, 2012 - Deborah P. Kolodji
- July 22, 2012 - Meditations on Divine Names Book Tour
- June 24, 2012 - G. Murray Thomas
- May 27, 2012 - Kathi Stafford
- April 22, 2012 - Don Kingfisher Campbell
- April 15, 2012 - Passing of the Laurels Ceremony at McGroarty Arts Center, Dorothy Skiles becomes the next Poet Laureate
- March 25, 2012 - Village Poets Extravaganza, with Dorothy Skiles, Marlene Hitt, and Joe DeCenzo. See their wishes!
- February 26, 2012 - Sharon Rizk and Radomir Luza
- January 22, 2012 - Just Kibbe
Marlene Hitt, 2013, photo by Maja Trochimczyk |
- January 23, 2011 - Kathleen Travers
- February 27, 2011 - Mari Werner
- March 27, 2011 - Spiritual Quartet (Lois P. Jones, Taoli-Ambika Talwar, Susan Rogers and Maja Trochimczyk)
- April 17, 2011 - John Z. Guzlowski
- May 22, 2011 - Cindy Rinne
- June 26, 2011 - Alice Pero
- July 24, 2011 - Millicent Borges Accardi
- August 28, 2011 - Georgia Jones-Davis
- September 25, 2011 - Dorothy Skiles
- October 23, 2011 - Ruth Nolan
- November 20, 2011 - Rick Lupert
![]() |
Group and Reading by Jessica Wilson and Jason Brain, 2013 |
- Millicent Borges Accardi, 6/24/2011
- Mark Achuff, classical guitar, November 25, 2018, with WWW Poets and Krak Poetry Group
- Sharon Alexander, 6/28/2015
- Eliecer Almaguer with Margaret Saine, September 23, 2018
- Judy Barrat, 6/26/2016
- Xochitl-Julisa Bermejo, 3/24/2013
- Cile Borman, with Andrew Kolo, 11/24/2019
- Jason Brain, 8/24/2013
- Don Kingfisher Campbell, 4/22/2012
- Ross Canton, 1/25/2015 (with Teresa Mei Chuc)
- Gloriana Casey, Radomir Luza and Gloria Casey, October 28, 2018
- Lisa Cheby, 1/22/2017
- Jackie Chou, 1/26/2020 with Joyce Futa - Joyce Futa and Jackie Chou
- Teresa Mei Chuc, 1/25/2015 (with Ross Canton), and 1/24/2016 with Seven Dhar
- Beverly M. Collins, 7/28/2013, 7/26/2015 and with Ed Rosenthal and Mariko Kitakubo on Zoom, 7/19/2020 Beverly M. Collins, Ed Rosenthal and Mariko Kitakubo
- Brendan Constantine, 3/22/2015
- Jack Cooper - 8/24/2014 and 11/22/2015
- Marsha de La O (Ventura) and Jerry Garcia, 5/22/2016
- Joe DeCenzo, in Village Poets Extravaganza, 3/25/2013 and Meditations on Divine Names Book Tour, 7/22/2012
- Bill Cushing, poetry, and Chuck Corbisiero, guitar - A Jazz Collaboration, 7/24/2016; Bill Cushing with 3 poets; Four Poets from "The Lullaby of Teeth, March 25, 2018
- Seven Dhar, with Teresa Mei Chuc, 1/24/2016; Dhar,with Abby Diamond, 5/27/2018
- Abby Diamond, with Seven Dhar, 5/27/2018
- Susan Dobay, with Ed Rosenthal, 11/24/2013, with Cheby cancelled 1/22/2017; with Poets on Site, Susan Dobay, January 28, 2018
- Peggy Dobreer and 100 Thousand Poets for Change - 9/28/2014; with
Mandy Kahn, 3/24/2019 - Heather Donavon and Steve McCormick, Songwriters, 8/28/2016
- Linda Dove - 10/26/2014 and 9/22/2019 with Judith Terzi
- Sandy Fisher, artist; Pamela Shea, poet; 5/26/2019
- Mary Fitzpatrick, 4/28/2019
- Alex M. Frankel, 6/23/2013
- Elsa S Frausto 1/27/2013, Sunland Park Poems - 3/26/2017; Passing of the Laurels Ceremony - 4/23/2017
- Joyce Futa and Jackie Chou, 1/26/2020
- William Scott Galasso with Debbie Kolodji, February 25, 2018
- Eddy M. Gana Jr. and Stephanie Sajor, 2/28/2016
- Jerry Garcia with Marsha de la O, 5/22/2016
- John Z. Guzlowski, 4/17/2011
- Charles Harmon with Mira Mataric, July 22, 2018
- Sean Hill, with Apryl Skiles, 10/27/2013
- Marlene Hitt, in Village Poets Extravaganza, 3/25/2013 and Meditations on Divine Names Book Tour, 7/22/2012
- Marlene Hitt (new book "Clocks and Water Drops"), 5/24/2015; with Lloyd Hitt, Lifetime Achievement Award, 7/28/2019 Lloyd and Marlene Hitt
- Lois P. Jones, 11/25/2012, in Spiritual Quartet (with Taoli-Ambika Talwar, Susan Rogers and Maja Trochimczyk), 3/27/2011, Westside Women Writers on 8/23/2015, at the McGroarty Arts Center; with Alice Pero, 4/24/2016
- Georgia Jones-Davis, 8/28/2011, and 3/20/2016
- Christine Jordan, June 24, 2018
- Mandy Kahn and Peggy Dobreer, 3/24/2019
- Douglas Kearney and Mandy Kahn, 9/25/2016
- Just Kibbe, 1/22/2012
- Mina Kirby, 7/28/2013
- Mariko Kitakubo, with Kathabela Wilson, 3/23/2014; with Bill Cushing, poetry, and Chuck Corbisiero, guitar, 7/24/2016; with Beverly M. Collins and Ed Rosenthal, 7/19/2020, Beverly M. Collins, Ed Rosenthal and Mariko Kitakubo
- Deborah P. Kolodji, 8/26/2012, Deborah P Kolodji and Naia, 11/27/2016; Deborah P Kolodji and William Scott Galasso, February 25, 2018
- Andrew Kolo (Andrzej Kolodziej) with Krak Poetry Group , November 25, 2018
- Krak Poetry Group , November 25, 2018 (Andrew Kolo, Konrad Wilk, Maja Trochimczyk)
- James Levin with J. Verl Silvester on September 27, 2015
- Wayne Allen LeVine with Alexis Rhone Fancher, 3/22/2020 rescheduled to 9/27/2020
- Stephen Linsteadt, 10/28/2012, and featured as painter in the Woman in Metaphor book publication party, 1/26/2014
- Elline Lipkin, Altadena Poet Laureate, 8/28/2016
- Los Angeles Poet Society, 4/26/2015 at the McGroarty Arts Center
- Suzanne Lummis, Honorary Member, California State Poetry Society 10/27/2019
- The Lullaby of Teeth, four poets with Bill Cushing, March 25, 2018
- Rick Lupert, 11/20/1011
- Radomir Luza, 2/26/2012;Radomir Luza and Gloria Casey, October 28, 2018
- Maria Elena B. Mahler, 1/26/2014, as editor of Woman in Metaphor anthology of poetry inspired by the paintings of Stephen Linsteadt.
- Shahe Mankerian with Shandy & Eva Duo, 10/23/2016
- Mira Mataric and Charles Harmon, July 22, 2018
- Gabriel Meyer with Elena Karina Byrne, 1/27/2019
- Neil McCarthy, 4/27/2013
- Steve McCormick, with Heather Donavon, Songwriters, 8/28/2016
- Meditations on Divine Names Book Tour with Maja Trochimczyk, 7/22/2012
- Naia, with Deborah P Kolodji, 11/27/2016
- Ruth Nolan, 10/23/2011
- Toti O'Brien , 2/24/2019
- Passing of the Laurels Ceremony at McGroarty Arts Center, Dorothy Skiles becomes the next Poet Laureate, 4/15/2012
- Alice Pero, 6/26/2011, with Lois P Jones, 4/24/2016; with Elsa Frausto, Sunland Park Poems - 3/26/2017; with Wang, 8/25/2019 Yun Wang
- Andrew Peterson and Art Stucco with John Palmer , April 22, 2018
- Brenda Petrakos, 5/24/2015
- Thelma T. Reyna, 7/26/2015
- Cindy Rinne, 5/22/2011, and with Bory Thach, scheduled for 5/24/2020 and postponed to 11/22/2020
- Sharon Rizk , 2/26/2012
- Susan Rogers, with Spiritual Quartet (Lois P. Jones, Taoli-Ambika Talwar, and Maja Trochimczyk), 3/27/2011 and on 8/23/2015, with Westside Women Writers, McGroarty Arts Center
- Luis J. Rodriguez, Los Angeles Poet Laureate on October 25, 2015
- Ed Rosenthal, with Susan Dobay, 11/24/2013, with Beverly M. Collins, and Mariko Kitakubo via Zoom, 7/19/2020
- Mary Kay Rummel, 11/23/2014
- Sonya Sabanac, 8/23/ 2015 with Westside Women Writers, McGroarty Arts Center
- Margaret Saine, presenting Lit Angels, with Eva Zmijewska, guitar, 2/26/2017; presenting her new book, According to Nature, with Eliecer Almaguer, 9/23/2018
- Stephanie Sajor, with Eddy M. Gana Jr., 2/28/2016
- J. Verl Silvester with James Levin on September 27, 2015
- Dorothy Skiles, Poet Laureate of Sunland Tujunga, 2/23/2014
- Apryl Skies, 10/27/2013
- Dorothy Skiles, 9/25/2011, in Meditations on Divine Names, 7/22/2012, and Passing of the Laurels, 4/15/2012
- Shandy & Eva Duo, Songwriters, 10/23/2016
- Sharmagne Leland St. John, 9/23/2012
- Pamela Shea, the Ninth Poet Laureate of Sunland-Tujunga,Passing of the Laurels Ceremony 4/23/2017
- . Rick Smith, 2/23/2020
- 2. Kathi Stafford, 5/27/2012 and 8/23/2015 with Westside Women Writers
- Julia Stein, 6/22/2014
- Spiritual Quartet (Lois P. Jones, Taoli-Ambika Talwar, Susan Rogers and Maja Trochimczyk), 3/27/2011, and 8/23/2015
- Art Stucco with John Palmer musicians; April 22, 2018
- Melissa Studdard, 6/23/2019
- Taoli Ambika Talwar in Spiritual Quartet (with Lois P. Jones, Susan Rogers and Maja Trochimczyk), 3/27/2011
- Bory Thach with Cindy Rinne, scheduled for 5/24/2020, postponed to 11/22/2020
- Maja Trochimczyk, in Meditations on Divine Names Book Tour, 7/22/2012, Passing the Laurels, 4/15/2012, the Spiritual Quartet, 3/27/2011 and Westside Women Writers on 8/23/2015 at the McGroarty Arts Center; with Krak Poetry Group , November 25, 2018
- Judith Terzi, 5/26/2013 and 9/22/2019 with Linda Dove
- G. Murray Thomas, 6/24/2012
- Kathleen Travers, 1/23/2011
- Village Poets Extravaganza, with Dorothy Skiles, Marlene Hitt, and Joe DeCenzo, 3/25/2012
- Yun Wang and Alice Pero, 8/25/2019
- Mari Werner, 2/27/2011
- Westside Women Writers (Millicent Borges Accardi, Lois P. Jones, Susan Rogers, Maja Trochimczyk, and Sonya Sabanac) at the McGroarty Arts Center, 8/23/2015; with Susan Rogers, Sonya Sabanac and Maja Trochimczyk at Bolton Hall Museum, Nov 25, 2018
- Konrad Tademar Wilk, with Krak Poetry Group , November 25, 2018
- Jessica Wilson, 8/24/2013 and 4/26/2015 with Los Angeles Poet Society
- Kathabela Wilson, with Mariko Kitakubo and Rick Wilson (flutes), 3/23/2014; Kathabela Wilson and the Art of Tanka. 8/26/2018
- Mariano Zaro, 2/24/2013
- Eva Zmijewska with Shandelica - Eva and Shandy Duo, with Shahe Mankerian,10/23/2016; with Margaret Saine, poet, 2/26/2017
Group after Reading by Cindy Rinne, with her Fiber Art, 2011 Dorothy Skiles and Marlene Hitt at Bolton Hall Museum, 2014
Featured Poets Eliecer Almaguer and Margaret Saine, Spring 2018
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