RICK LUPERT has been involved in the Los Angeles poetry community since 1990. He served for two years as a co-director of the Valley Contemporary Poets, a non-profit organization which produces readings and publications out of the San Fernando Valley. His poetry has appeared in numerous magazines and literary journals, including The Los Angeles Times, Rattle, Chiron Review, Zuzu's Petals, Caffeine Magazine, Blue Satellite and others.

Currently Rick works as a music teacher at synagogues in Southern California and as a graphic and web designer for and for anyone who would like to help pay his mortgage.
Animal Hospitality
by Rick Lupert
I can tell which cat is walking through my house
by the sounds its paws make as they come
into contact with the wood floors.
At one in the morning when I finally arrive at my bed
Cleo walks in. She is the oldest cat. Not in the world,
just in the house. You can barely hear her since we took her claws
nine years ago. She propels herself to the bed
like a kite. No sound. No bounce. She makes herself.
comfortable. At five in the morning she will purr.
I’d tell you the name of my next cat is Tigger,
but then you would judge me.
He walks in like a pony wearing tap shoes.
If I make even the slightest audible sound or motion
he will rush to the bed and lick any visible skin
of mine he can find. I am okay with this.
Our third cat is larger than a moose. He’d come to
the bed but he can’t find room. His breathing is
louder than the president’s helicopter.
He will cry for his breakfast with the imperative
of Vietnam. You’re running a zoo my friend once said
to which I replied. Let me show you the Chinese
water dragon and the frog. Did I tell you I tried to keep
a bird alive that I’d found outside? It didn’t make it.
Did I tell you about the caterpillar I killed?
You may see the photos from our past readings in the Photo Album of Village Poets of Sunland Tujunga, posted on Picasa Web Albums, in the following location:
After Ruth Nolan's Reading, L to R: Maja Trochimczyk, Elsa Frausto, Dorothy Skiles, Taura Scott, Brian Story, Vanessa Marsot, Kathleen Travers, Joe DeCenzo, and Sharon Rizk. Seated, L to R: Rick and Kathabela Wilson, Ruth Nolan and Marlene Hitt.
The most recent featured poet, Ruth Nolan, read from her recent publications, the journal of desert poetry, "Phantom Seed" and a fragment of a new project, written in a persona of a Native American woman of a strange and traumatic history.
Ruth Nolan and Maja Trochimczyk with Ruth's books.